
The mission of MARC is to provide hope to homeless men suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction. Our program integrates a peer to peer self help recovery system with the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Through education and an intense long term recovery program, we assist people in moving toward personal accountability, self activation and empowerment for reentry into relationships, work and community.

Safe off the Streets, SOS

During this phase clients receive in depth orientation to the program and are introduced to the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and the classroom curriculum of Recovery Dynamics developed by the Kelly Foundation. Clients have the opportunity to become acclimated to group living and the overall structure of the recovery program while attending educational classes and 12 step support group meetings with their peers in the program.

Motivational Track, MT

In this phase residents begin trudging, walking in groups with their peers daily, and attending Recovery Dynamics classes off site. Trudging builds a sense of camaraderie and residents begin to trust and lean on one another for support. Residents continue to live at the facility but spend the majority of the class day off site in educational classes and attending 12 step support group meetings.

Phase One

During this phase of the program residents begin to work in depth on the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and begin to study and understand their addiction. Phase One residents spend a great deal of time in Recovery Dynamics classes and 12 step support group meetings. These residents continue to live at the facility and receive the overall support of the staff.

Phase Two / Transitional Phase

In this phase clients are near completion of the 12th step of Alcoholics Anonymous and are ready to begin the process of reentry. Reentry means being introduced and coming back into the lives of those most directly affected by their addiction. Residents may become a peer mentor at MARC, obtain outside employment, continue their program of recovery, begin to visit and repair relationships with children and other family members, address court and legal issues, and work diligently to maintain sobriety while still in the protected environment of the facility.

The Kentucky Department of Corrections has zero tolerance for all forms of sexual conduct between offenders, staff, volunteers, contractors or visitors. To report any incident of a sexual assault or sexual harassment involving an offender, call the PREA hotline toll free at 1-855-700-PREA (7732). You may choose to remain anonymous. Reports of sexual abuse or sexual harassment that involve possible criminal behavior will be referred to the Kentucky Department of Corrections or the Kentucky State Police for investigation.