
MARC is an inpatient substance abuse recovery program for adult men seeking recovery from substance abuse and addiction. The facility is located in Bowling Green, Kentucky and is a non-profit organization and an affiliate of the Recovery Kentucky Initiative.

MARC utilizes a social model of recovery. Clients enrolled in the recovery program learn to become accountable for their actions. They actively participate in the community process of accountability and learn to appropriately deal with consequences for inappropriate behavior. During the community process clients learn to hold their peers accountable with love, dignity, and respect. Clients “give back” to the recovery program by providing their own cleaning, light maintenance repairs, laundry, food service, and lawn care services. Clients are taught independent living skills and learn to become responsible for their own personal care as well as caring for their own living environment.

This program is for adult men only. Clients must understand that the primary focus of MARC is recovery first. Other life issues will be addressed in the latter phases of the program when clients have a sufficient amount of sobriety time to clearly and effectively deal with other issues. Introduction of other life issues too early in the recovery process could sabotage overall recovery efforts.

MARC is a group living facility. Clients share living spaces with their peers. Having valuables and large sums of money is discouraged as they are the clients’ responsibility for safekeeping. Cell phones are prohibited. Pay phones are available for use within the facility. There is no onsite medical clinic. All medical emergencies are handled by the local hospital and/or voluntary medical personnel. MARC is not financially responsible for medical bills incurred by clients during their enrollment in the program. All medical bills incurred by clients, including prescriptions, is the client’s responsibility.

The overall length of the program is approximately six months. Potential clients should commit to completing the entire program uninterrupted and make plans for care of personal business prior to program admission.

In order to receive services at MARC applicants must be:

  • Male
  • 18 years of age or older
  • Able to provide self care daily without assistance
  • Able to walk “trudge” a minimum of 2 miles round trip daily
  • Have or be able to obtain a social security card, birth certificate, and photo ID.
  • These items can be obtained after arrival at cost to the client.
  • Willing to abide by all rules, regulations, and policies set forth by staff of the facility